If you’ve ever spent any time baking, you’ve likely dealt with vanilla extract before (it’s basically the duct tape of the baking world). What you might not have encountered, however, is vanilla paste. What’s the difference, you ask? Aside from their distinct methods of production (vanilla extract is made by soaking pure vanilla beans in a solution of water and alcohol, whereas vanilla paste is a mix of vanilla beans, sugar syrup, and some vanilla extract to tie them all together), vanilla paste is thicker, richer in taste, and tends to have more visible bits of vanilla bean throughout, making it a preferable option for recipes where you really want the vanilla to be front and center. And that’s exactly where Trader Joe’s Bourbon Vanilla Bean Paste excels. Made for us by a supplier in Mauritius with 100% Bourbon (as in, grown in one of the designated Bourbon islands within the Indian Ocean) Vanilla Beans, this Vanilla Paste adds a well-rounded sweetness and deep, full-bodied flavor of vanilla to cakes, cookies, pies, and more. It can be used in a straight 1:1 ratio as a substitute for vanilla extract, for any recipe you’d like to make that much more vanilla-y, and makes an excellent ingredient for cocktails, milkshakes, and homemade coffee drinks. Try mixing a small spoonful in your next batch of whipped cream, French toast batter, or even your morning yogurt.